You Can Choose To Be Happy? Screw You!

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You can choose to be happy? SCREW YOU!


This is probably a phrase that you have heard time and time again.

I’ve been through bouts of depression and serious anxiety, but whenever I tried to talk about it with anyone, people would often ask why am I living like that. Why aren’t I choosing to be happy?

The question is insulting. If we could choose to be happy, then why would anyone live any other way?

Why would we have depression, sadness, a worldwide mental health epidemic, if being happy was as simple as flipping a switch?

And it’s this subject that I want to touch on today and discover how we can work out a way towards happiness, if it isn’t simply a choice to be made.

About the author.
Jay Roberts is the founder of the Debox Method and after nearly 10 years and hundreds of sessions, an expert in the art of emotional release to remove the negative effects of trauma. Through his book, courses, coaching, and talks Jay’s goal is to teach as many people as he can the power of the Debox Method. 

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